Maryanne has been supplying the Third Piece with beautiful knitwear from her home in Worcester, MA since she joined our team three years ago. Like some of our other knitters, Maryanne learned to knit from inside her own family. She was introduced to the craft by her grandmother. And, while her grandmother provided the introduction, Maryanne honed her craft through self-taught lessons and projects. She has many fond memories tied to knitting from her youth. In fact, her earliest memories include bringing her knitting projects along for the car ride on her family’s annual trip to a Chinese Food restaurant during the holidays.

“If I am not knitting for The Third Piece, you can find me still knitting! It’s my main hobby.”


Maryanne was never one for small projects as she chose to tackle a sweater for her first ever knitting project. The constant challenge of her skill paid off when Maryanne received a compliment from a famed knitter in the community, praising her for her speed and dexterity! Nowadays, she exercises her talent by making Newbury Hoods for The Third Piece (luckily, they also happen to be her favorite “Third Piece”).

“My favorite things about the Third Piece are the people, the unique-ness of the designs and the fact that I can get paid for doing what I love!”